



UA2WEB public API modules

  • DjHDGutils

  • db_dump - Dump current django database, restore from latest sql dump

  • dbup - simple, but reliable Django migrations. Recommended for production use. (outdated, use DjHDGutils.PatchManager instead)

  • mongo - dump & restore mongo db.

  • sync_redmine_wiki - maintain per-project documentation in Redmine Wiki

  • DjHDGutils.PatchManager

  • patch - new generation of simple & reliable Django migrations system.

  • hdg

  • softadmin - build custom /admin table data interfaces easily

  • MD5Storage - replacement for Django ImageFile to use MD5 file storage


Other tips & tricks

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Work related

Updated by Alex V Koval about 10 years ago ยท 11 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT